An Elven Perspective: Carl Jung’s Shadow Work is NOT Shadow Play

I love this article. The title is not so definite as it sounds.
link to Elephant Journal:
    I too have had a sense and observed that Shadow Work has become taught to be more like Shadow “Play” more so these days than actual work, which doesn’t really get to the shadow as Carl Jung was interested in.
    Many new age, satanists, witches, spiritual teachers and gurus are really into teaching Shadow Work, but some are not getting to the heart of Jung’s teachings and are merely allowing for self expression rather than to make the shadow conscious.
   This often leaves people confused as to what the Shadow really is.
   The Shadow is not your sexy, dark, gothic, or powerful parts of yourself at all.  It is not found sitting by a candle, in a dark room or wearing a cloak and dagger in the hand. It is not sitting in nature, and picturing yourself growling and running with the wolves, as a strong destructive energy. It is NOT witchcraft. It is NOT dark fetishes, kinks, or desires you have that are unconventional or frowned upon by society.
  Nobody should want to see their own shadow and this is why it is so painful. You know deep down inside you are better than the actions your shadow brings to surface in the most inappropriate times.
  You can not see your shadow unless you watch other’s reactions and responses towards you after your own actions.
“The shadow is something very evasive. I don’t know mine. I study it by reaction of those around me. We depend on the reflection of the mirror of our encourage. When it is not good, self-criticism is in order.”
~ C. Jung
  His idea for the “Shadow” stemmed from his need to help the Collective of Humanity heal, not  for individuals to play with their shadow, but to cut it out from unconscious projections completely to enrich the world experience at large.
“The best political, social, spiritual work we can do is to withdraw the projection of our shadow onto others.”
~C. Jung
   He did NOT want it to be displayed more in the world, he wanted to cut off the “saurian tail” as he called it that mankind drags behind him…it is a dinosaur, a relic of the past and old ways of behaving. Why did he say to cut it off? Because THIS is what allows for people to do evil towards one another and self harm. This is what brings a mother to kill her own children to be free from obligation of motherhood. This is what causes gangs and mobs to be formed that care about making money, and not the families of the members they kill for “disloyalty”. This is the pedophile who takes little children from the parks. This is you when you hit your wife or husband in an argument. This is me for hurting someone with my words and not caring for their feelings for sake of “self expression”.
  There are infinite events and situations in the world where you turn on the news and see the Shadow of others in full display. It is the temporary state of insanity, where the demonic side can take over and leave you wondering, “where did that come from?”

“It is a frightening thought that man also has a shadow side to him, consisting not just of little weaknesses- and foibles, but of a positively demonic dynamism. The individual seldom knows anything of this; to him, as an individual, it is incredible that he should ever in any circumstances go beyond himself.

But let these harmless creatures form a mass, and there emerges a raging monster; and each individual is only one tiny cell in the monster’s body, so that for better or worse he must accompany it on its bloody rampages and even assist it to the utmost.

Having a dark suspicion of these grim possibilities, man turns a blind eye to the shadow-side of human nature. Blindly he strives against the salutary dogma of original sin, which is yet so prodigiously true. Yes, he even hesitates to admit the conflict of which he is so painfully aware.”

~C.G. Jung – “On the Psychology of the Unconscious” (1912). In CW 7: Two Essays on Analytical Psychology. P.35

  In effort to truly teach what Shadow Work is, I divided videos into the Seven esoteric sins to look at deeply in our lives and how they play out. These are not just Judeo-Christian sins, they come from ancient wisdom from many paths and also psychology.
  I too am working on my Shadow self, I feel it is my mission and lifetime to bring all my own darkness into consciousness and transform myself into my Higher sElf-one I know is there behind the shadow, healing it and making it less dark and thick.
  When you look at the power of the Universe, it expands with love, light and Life on planets. Darkness such as blackholes and destruction of planets and stars happen out of necessity for new life to emerge. It is never just the darkness that we must sit in, we must bring light to darkness always so that Life can exist.
  I will share something publicly with the world about my own shadow self that I am working on removing and not just accepting.
  I have been really cutting with my words towards others that I love in my life or strangers who challenge me. I must stop this. I can be really aggressive with my word play. I know how to hurt others when I feel threatened or fearful in some type of way. I have also got into physical fights with others too in my life when in fear or panic mode. I also know how to cut people out of my life, very coldly without looking back.  My Shadow is an icy cold monster that lurks behind me. A fire breathing dragon that has the power to hurt others when I want to.
  These two are examples of my own shadow. Like Jung said, we only meet our Shadow when we see the wrong we did towards others. And I have seen it. I have had to apologize for my shadow coming out.
  Looking at our shadow is not a fun experience, but it can be rewarding and bring fulfillment to your soul.
  Because very soon you do realize that your shadow is there, because FEAR is there. Fear of abandonment, fear of rejection, fear of worthlessness, fear of the unknown, fear of others hurting you. fear of yourself. It is the temporary loss of consciousness to know who you really are as a limitless spiritual being.
 So what to do now?
  Jung was right as a visionary. When everyone truly looks at their shadows in this world, this will transform the way society is. People will be more aware of their responses and reactions, and first think consciously about what they are doing to others as well as themselves. Road rage will not be a thing any longer. Cyber stalking & trolling others will be a thing of the past. People shooting others in streets, homes, schools, in night clubs or hospitals will not happen. Wars and conflicts will not be so easily gotten into. People will THINK of all consequences before acting. I will THINK before acting and hurting others.
“The most dangerous psychological mistake is the projection of the shadow onto others: this is the root of almost all conflicts.” ~ C. Jung
  Of course, this is something that some may call idealism about the future, but really it is realism. We are all capable of forming an understanding about our shadows. Not as children. Children tend to show their shadows easily by hitting others, and pushing them down with anger. But that is why they have adults around them to show them a better choice. A healthier way to deal with conflict and diversity. As we age, we are able to build reason into our choices and form mature decisions about our actions.
All taming the shadow is about, is MATURITY.
  Mature souls do not have a shadow any longer because it is nothing, but truth and wholeness within a person. The older and wiser you become in this experience, the less your shadow comes out at events and has control over you.
  This is the biggest difference between criminals in jail, versus citizens who don’t kill, rape, or steal from one another. Maturity is simply being at the stage of being able to make conscious decisions to NOT kill or steal from others in the moment.
  But all is not lost for those at lower levels of maturity, because as soon as maturity hits them in jail or outside of it, they discover the light. They make amends, and carry a grief as a burden that cleanses their souls through the process of making their darkness conscious. And they don’t do those wrongs and harmful things any longer. Many of society’s criminals become healed this way and become regular citizens with something positive to give back to the world.
It can take many lifetimes to get to this maturity for some, or it can take just this one right now.
  Everyone is at different levels of soul maturity, because like a prism, the Collective Source is refracted into many different levels of experience and vibrations of reality. But ultimately, people are always in control of their actions if they are a conscious soul able to form clear decisions.
  Eventually, ALL souls get to the point of Self Actualization-which is the point of knowing WHO you actually are.
  This has much to do with Galactic civilizations and where a world can go together. Citizens functioning at the highest level of Self Actualization is the Elven community of Tolkien’s within the Third Ages and the Pleiadian one even.
  This is where humanity can reach and they are slowly, but surely. Each soul that matures and reaches this point of self actualization adds to the whole and changes the course of the future.
  I am getting ready to prepare for my new videos on Galadriel’s mirror, Carl Jung’s archetypes, Gurdjieff’s enneagram that are all tools to work with the Self, and heal the collective when I come back from Thanksgiving holiday.
  This was something that was on my mind, that I wanted to speak about so I truly hope this brings clarity towards Jung and his Shadow Work and where his visions where really leading mankind.
In Love, Light & Wisdom!

How I Connect With My Spirit Guides

This question has been on a lot of other people’s minds lately about how to meet higher dimensional beings.

I learned a long time ago, you can not just call out to them blindly seeking and expect a safe experience. This happens much in life and unfortunately there are some very negative experiences that happen to good people.

The way I connect to my particular Guides, is by aligning to their same qualities, intentions, and energies. Higher dimensional beings have the best intentions for humanity right now as your older and wiser relatives in a galactic sense. In order to meet them, you have to be on their same level.


Because deep down inside of the Universal Mind, everything is One, but Many, so Higher Guides are connected to you-they are a version of yourself in a higher form. Your guides that come to you in vision and dreams are the quiet and still voice in you manifesting as an image to you that you are projecting from within.

Yes, in another dimension of time and space they exist as you in another form. Future civilians of Pleiades or Pleiadian Starseeds will see a Pleiadian being as their guide. Same with Sirians or Arcturians etc. how they see this guide is who their soul is transmitted as an image to experience the Self and learning about the Truer Nature of who you are.

My guides are archangel Angelic beings, one ascended spiritual master, an Elven queen, and a Pleiadian Priestess woman. These make up my Higher Soul off of this earthly form. They form the basis of my vibratory state right now at this point of time in my life. Have I always had these guides? Yes, but when I was young I didn’t have the self realization as I do today to see them.

When you are ready to, and you truly want to help earth shift consciousness…you can start to merge your earthly Ego with these other beings.

Here is where you can become a vessel for their energy to bring down to earth to do great things. Of course people can choose to be a vessel for negative beings too. It’s how you choose to color your own soul, and what aspect of the Light spectrum you wish to play out that determines the level of experience you reach.

When ready to merge and make contact, use these guidelines to help you. Remember your guides wish to collaborate with you to help earth as much as you do.

Step 1: get into a quiet space…breathe deeply and count to 10 while breathing.

Step 2: ask yourself WHAT on this earth and in this experience do you wish to see?

Step 3: look back into your own life and look into the images, characters, and beings that you have been drawn to.

Step 4: realize that’s YOU in higher form. This is why you are drawn to it so much. You are always seeking for the Truth of your soul down here on earth. It’s how you get back to your Truest state of being eventually.

Step 5: in your mind, meet and shake hands or hug your Higher Soul. Let that image start to develop its own personality and qualities separate from you to provide interesting interactions or mirroring.

Step 6: notice who they are. Are they an Angel? A goddess? A Hindu god? Alien? Take in their qualities and symbolic meanings on earth. What’s their intention for humanity or earth?

Step 7: agree to shed your own identity a bit, to bring forth your Higher Soul into you. You can still be you, but now you have an additional spirit or energy inside to help the earth.

Step 8: visualize yourself merging with that being. You become One with them. Their mind is shared with yours and you now hold their best intentions for earth now.

Step 9: use this new energy to help you write that book you wanted, save lives by starting organizations, paint and draw inspirational art, make music, write poetry, run for office. Whatever you wish to do use this new energy in you. It’s not really new, it more REALIZED.

After I met my Spirit guides, they continue to feed me telepathic messages and thoughts that all come from deep inside ME. They are now an aspect of you, living another life in their own dimension, but still very much a part of you.

May this bring clarity to reaching your own guides and see yourself in a new Light.

Image by Lightstar

Sun Elf or Golden Elf

Sun Elf Type or Golden Elf Soul Type~

The sun personality identifier can fit in all Soul Types. This Elf loves the sunshine, and is not afraid to be in the limelight. They love to shine their own Light, and are inspiring to so many possibly without even knowing…or they do. 😉

You may be a Sun Elf Type if:

*You are a day person, love to get up early and get the day started
*Seen as natural born leaders and guides to others
*Enjoy lots of different people, parties and crowds, but need your alone time too like all wise Elves do
*Tend to have a sunny disposition but can display some fire when someone disrespects you, or see another harmed
*You could enjoy most dressing in neon, bright and sunny colors. Or deeper bold colors to appeal that remind you of Royalty (hunter green, navy, maroon, purple, gold)
*Ability to have clear sight and strong focus. Manifestation powers at hand
*You like to defend and protect others
*You enjoy being out in the daytime to enjoy the sunshine in many regions
*Can hold any spiritual path dear to you
*Fierce protector of animals like the Earth Elves
*Common Spirit animals are fox, eagles, birds of many sorts, lions, deer, elk, dolphin for water animal, unicorn, white or golden dragon, pegasus, Phoenix & Griffin
*Can be seen as more Yang, and hold the Divine Masculine energy to others
*Warmth mixed with assertive and strong personality
*Citrine, Amber, Orange topaz, sunstone are especially good for you

Sun Elf types have much light to shine in these days! Warm hearted and kind, make sure you replenish your energy in the sun. Don’t be afraid to face the Darker parts of you too. Everyone has them, and it’s certainly not a sign of weakness to notice and be aware of them. Be aware of when your energy is too dominating over others, and you will always remain as a bright light in everyone’s heart that you meet.

You are teaching the world to not be afraid to be an individual and shine their own Light and radiate like the sun you hold so close in your veins! Also you show others to always stand up  bravely for what you believe in.

Keep shining. 🔥

Hope this brings you clarity!

In Light, Love & Wisdom~
Kimber’el Eventide

Moon Elf or Night Elf 


Moon Elf or Night Elf Soul Type~

This is a sub group that can fit in any of the other Soul Types, but it’s worth mentioning. It’s a part of personality identifier of an Elf.

These Elves sometimes get looked at as “evil” or “dark”, by those who are afraid of the night. But the Moon Elf or Night Elf is one of much light and goodness inside.

Usually females, though males can absolutely be a Night Elf.

You may be a Night Elf Soul if:

*You are a night owl and stay up late
*Feel close to the moon and dark starry night
*You may love to be more alone than with people as an introvert, but not always the case
*Are not afraid of the dark
*Like to look into the darker side of things out of curiosity and learning what others are doing. You may look into the dark occult, The psychology of people who do darker deeds may fascinate you and you try to understand.
*You may love mystery, horror, psychological thrillers, just for fun and you can handle it
*you may feel a compassion for monsters like ware wolves, vampires and such. You represent open-mindedness in a lot of ways
*You are the person who can usually accept anyone no matter how weird, scary, strange they seem always finding the light within-and if not you deal with that too
*May have had experiences with spirits, aliens, and things others can’t see
*intuition, precognition, clairvoyant, abilities, reading energy are usually what you may have as a gift
*Can hold any spiritual path, but usually mystical or esoteric
*Common Spirit Animals are at least one nocturnal one, like wild cats, bats, owls, fireflies, but you can also enjoy day time animals as companions
*personality can vary, but most tend to be more reserved and less outgoing than their Sun Elf friends.
*Drawn to crystals like moonstone (especially), but also enjoy using Amethyst, Lapis, Labradorite, Celestite, Selenite…these are all great crystals for you
*Lothlorien is your dream home
*You may have been called goth, and emo before
*tend to like to dress in darker cool colored clothes, or that shine and have a silver or grey shimmer quality to it. You may really love shimmer and iridescent types of colors too giving off the pale light of the moon
*You may just love to be outside at night and go for walks or sit and reflect in the quiet of the night

I have learned over the years to embrace this Night Elf inside of me. It does not mean I like dark things..I simply am more open minded to explore them than most. I have friended lots of people who some may consider “Darker” in the past, but I see the light through them and we are great friends.

There is a big difference between being someone who “looks” a bit dark on the outside, to actually being a dark soul on the inside.

You still follow the Elven Light Path that is paved the way with glow in the dark mushrooms, fireflies and a starlight sky.

You as a Moon Elf can bring in the Feminine Divine quality that has the power to nurture and cultivate people’s inner Light. You allow people to see it once again in themselves by supporting them in non judgmental ways.

The gift of the Moon is there in you to be a supportive, nurturing, shining Light to others who need a Light in a dark place in the world.

I hope this brings more clarity to why you may love the Moon so much 🌙

Love, Light & Wisdom ~
Kimber’el Eventide

The Valkyrie & Angel Warrior Elf Soul Type

Valkyrie & Angel Warrior Elf Soul Types

Another small sub group of souls, but many resonate with a warrior Angel Elven spirit.

These souls are not as sensitive as their fellow Earthly Angels, they were created to fight against evil and keep the balance.

They can be Starseeds as well. They also can love the Sea, and be Priestess/Priests, but that’s another smaller group based on your unique soul blueprint.

You may be one now if:

*You have a deep sense of righteousness and justice
*You don’t openly love other human souls so easily except a special few to you, but you do serve all of them. Your love is shown in duty and honor, not really observable emotion.
*You are strategic and know how to solve problems easily
*Almost no tolerance for evil, but you bite your tongue-unless you see someone being harmed-then you defend with all your heart
*Defend children, animals and anything else you judge as innocent
*Warriors for great causes you believe in
*Relate to energy of Mirkwood & Lothlorien Galadriel, Celeborn, Glorfindel, Elrond, Elf Archers, Mirkwood Knights Legolas, Turiel, Thranduil of LOTR
*Feel you have been a Knight, or warrior in the past life
*Feel fire inside when you see injustice or harm done to innocents by other souls
*Feel a sense of wings or around field of Aura
*Like Elven weapons…may collect them
*Connect to Arch angels, Thrones, Seraphims
*Some common spirit animals could be hawks, eagles, lions, lionesses, dragons, unicorns, horses, wolves

You are filled with much passion and fire, and must keep in nature to relax. Much angers you in the world because you know humanity’s potential, but keeping meditation, or prayer can help you cool a bit.

Hope this gives clarity to another soul you may resonate with.

In Light, Love, & Wisdom 💪🏻


The Priestess/Priest Elf Soul Type


Priest/Priestess Elf

This Soul type can belong to any of the other soul groups, but embodies the Priest/Priestess frequency in this lifetime.

They are the mediums of the God Source/Nature Divine and much spiritual information is easily available to them. The Akashic records are open to them due to karmic reward of previous lives and OR Will in this one to help others.

You may be a Priest/Priestess if:

*You have drawn dark energy/demons towards you because of your Light
*You are a medium here to banish, transform or dispel Darkness with love, wisdom and strength
*Honor and loyalty are very big ideals to you
*You have very high expectations for yourself and others
*You master and take guardianship over the earth energy
*Talk to Angels and Prime Source
*You are being watched or sense you are by the secret societies and dark occults
*You know the dark occults well and explored them even, but you are of the Light
*Love earth and master elemental alchemy within yourself and know how to deal with others
*Mystics, spiritual, and even religious you are finding goodness in any path you choose in Service to Others
*Understand energy very well
*Very academic and love to learn
*Gift of seeing many connections, patterns and possible realities in life
*Connection to Galadriel’s (priestess) character in LOTRs
*Common animals you are drawn to: Barn Owls, dragonflies, butterflies, Phoenix, Dragon, Unicorn, Pegasus
*You prefer to think of yourself as a servant to Prime Creator/Nature/Goodness/Divine/Eru

Priest/Priestesses need to keep patience within them. They know so much from past lives, are are bombarded with information from Angels, Source, ETs.

Organization and clarity is important to you because of how much information comes to you. If you are not organized you feel scattered and lost. It’s key to your inner peace-organization of thought.

You may go through the Dark Night of the Soul-a very difficult time of rebirth into your priest/priestess self. This is the time you sense you know much, but also know so little about WHY you know so much.

Once you come to understanding who Creator made you become for human souls as a medium from the Divine messages, you can discover your higher purpose.

Take time to go deep into nature and recharge yourself often, since you give much energy away while channeling higher energies as well as giving them out to help guide and heal others.

I hope this brings clarity!

In Love, Light & Wisdom ~

Kimber’el Eventide
Elven Water Priestess 🌊

The Angel Elf Soul Type

From several sources and an intuitive pull..

There is a type of Elven Angel being. They are called the “Sidhe” (pronounced as Shee) the fairy people of Irish folklore, are often identified as the remnant of the ancient Tuatha Dé Danann-a very old tribe of elves.

One thing I have become aware of is, since this is such an ancient tribe of elves, they have had a very long time to evolve and ascend to higher states of being. They returned to Source a long time ago and decided to come back to assist when needed.

Tolkien’s vision of Galadriel was very much this type of ancient being.

So this type of Elven being may resonate with someone who feels very close to the Angels as well as the Elves.

You could be an Elf-Angel soul coming back to assist earth in this time.

Only you can know this deep in your heart and may be why you are drawn to the Earth Angel path as well as the Elf one.

You very well could be a combination of both.

*Signs you may be one:
*Drawn to Angels
*Are focused on helping others more than usual
*Practice healing arts
*Drawn to birds and all things with wings
*Feel a bit like you have invisible wings on your back or around aura
*Have a sense of servitude or devotion towards humanity
*Your elf name tends to end in “el” (not always)
*You are a bit more giving than others and to a draining level
*Drawn to charity or volunteer work
*Extremely sensitive

*Eager to help others ascend themselves

This is a particularly hard path for the soul, it requires a lot of discipline to not get caught up in the material world, and to keep focus on your inner Divine Soul. The world can easily hurt you and this type of Elven being is both concerned with the earth as well as the affairs of the world where people are suffering.

Much rest and relaxation for this type of Elven being is needed. Meditation and prayer really helps to reconnect you to source when on earth, and using Nature as your temple really helps recharge you.

Note: You can be a Starseed Elven Angel type depending on your alien species. Different species have different spiritual focus and understandings. So if you resonate with Angels, as well as the Starseeds, you can be that type of Elf. There are many aliens that act as guardians over humanity right now…
Angels belong to ALL groups, it’s about level of experience, devotion to humanity, and frequency you carry that make you an Angel. 
In Love, Light & Wisdom~

Kimber’el Eventide

The Grace Inside You

Do not believe that the Heaven you contemplate in the supra-sensory is the visible sky. No, in the supra-sensory there are other Skies, more subtle, bluer, purer, brighter, innumerable and limitless. The purer you become within, the purer and more beautiful is the Sky that appears to you, until finally you are walking in divine purity. But divine purity is also limitless. So never believe that beyond what you have reached, there is nothing more, nothing higher still.

Know that the soul, the devil, the angel are not realities outside you: you are they. Likewise Heaven, Earth and the Throne are not outside you, nor paradise nor hell, nor death nor life. They exist in you; when you have accomplished the mystical journey and have become pure you will become conscious of that.

~Najmuddin Kubra
13th-century Khwarezmian sufi from Khwarezm



I thought this was so beautiful, and full of wisdom. It is true, the Elven grace is inside of you, just as all things are contained within. It is about opening one’s self up to believe it and then giving it freely to others as you become more conscious and aware of the Elven grace within.

Visions Along the Elven Light Path

On the path of the Elven, my head is filled with beautiful visions of earth’s potential. I go about daily with life, pay bills, and work, but my mind is constantly drawn to nature around me and to those that are causing it’s suffering as well as their own by the irreversible damage to the land.
I recycle and pickup trash as much as I can in my environment. I start recycling programs in schools. I hang my head in sadness my efforts fall on mostly deaf ears.
I see the other humans refusing to let go of their material attachments and strive for success and wealth. Not understanding that the wealth is felt within. Although, money is needed in this society and not an evil unless you use it to do evil, I imagine a society that no longer requires it and instead works on a barter system of selling each other’s gifts and skills. This society to me would teach each other how to appreciate each other’s unique attributes.
I buy from artisans and stores like Etsy online, where it isn’t mass produced and I am supporting another fellow human being directly. I look to the skies in hope for some sort of opening of minds in dropping our present system of currency.
I am acutely aware of the racism, envy, hate, ignorance that humans are blind to and further raise children into this blindness. Reality shows bother me and also make me curious to fathom what they are thinking. I am excited to meet other people who neglect the “human drama cycle” and choose a life of healthiness inside as well as outside. You do not need to go through drama in order to live here. Your experience can be peaceful. Be in the world, but not part of it.
I smile to myself when I see demonstrations of pure love. I know we can find our way to a better life.
My eyebrows are raised at the increasingly high density our world is becoming with so much push for material gains by technology companies. Technology is both a blessing and a curse. In one way, it can make a society efficient, clean and beautiful. It can gather like minds together. In another way, it can cause an attachment to things most unnatural.
I hope humans remember that everything once came from the earth. We should not forsake the natural beauty we have already been given.
I see the separation in people’s minds of science, spirituality, religion, and human psychology. They are all one in the same to me, just different pieces of the puzzle that illuminate our existence. We never have to do away with one to have another. We can unite all of them in wisdom to understand each of their places in people’s minds and hearts, and not attempt to take away, but instead expand our experience.
I wait patiently for my own and knowingly smile that many are starting to open themselves up to an expansion of experience in life.
The trees glitter all around me as the leaves rustle in the winds, there I hear an ancient cry coming from the earth telling humans they are so much more than they realize….
In Love, Light & Wisdom~
Kimber’el Eventide

God To The Elves of Tolkien

White Light. Loving Void. Collective Consciousness. Creator Source of Vibrations. Higher Truth. The Divine. Oneness. Nature. Highest Soul. Giver of Light.

These are the words that may describe the way the Elves may see God. They would never see a limited deity or “god”, but rather an invisible energy inside all of us. Many humans are awakening to this fact and finding “clues” in the Holy Books that describe this type of All Knowing, All Powerful source of all creation. Some personalize God when they read the books to match their level of understanding of the world.

In Tolkien’s world, according to the revised notes of the Silmarillion book, Eru Illuvatar was the Prime Consciousness that sat in darkness till thought forms started to appear to bring to surface the themes of Life into reality. The Ainurs were the Light beings, “Angels”, not physical, but simply energy thought forms that started to create the themes of the universe that Eru wished to see such as: Victory, Love, Harmony, Friendship, Honor, Bravery, Beauty, and other ideals. With allowing the thought-form Ainur, Melkor, to become free to create at will, Melkor wanted to do something different than the others. While the others created harmonious notes and chords that tied beautifully together and ushered in the harmonious and beautiful things in the world, Melkor wanted to create Discord and dramatic, dissonant sounds that appealed to him simply because it was different. And perhaps pleasing to his ear…

just like in the Torah, Bible, and Quran, Eru (God) allowed Melkor to exist ONLY to one day show a triumph over the darkness by the Light and show in the end ALL things serve Eru-even the darkness and discord in the world.

You must know the evil, to know the Good.

So Melkor continued to create ugly harsh sounds that created an even ugly and darker reality of giant man eating spiders, orc beings, and darker things on Middle Earth not mentioned in the movies, but only in the books.

The Ainurs split off into Valars who reigned certain aspects of Creation, and continued to battle Melkor’s darkness-using their creatures they helped manifest as servants of the Divine to battle the darkness of Melkor. Like the wizards and elves. Dwarves came next through some tragedy of Creation. Later on came the hobbits and men.

The Elves in Ancient time and in modern days, will have an inner sense of this mission or duty to uphold this allegiance to the Light. Of course there are those who play the part of the Dark Elves, but my blog won’t go too much down that path.

This blog is for those seeking the Light only. I can not provide information on how to worship the dark, seek external power, or manipulate others. You will have to go to someone else for that.

I am a Light Elf, one who only services others and helps transform darkness whenever and however I can. I am not alone in the world. Many elves and other starry souls are awakening to this mission as well.

You may be one of them…if this resonates with you and harmonizes with your soul.

In Light, Love & Wisdom,

Kimber’el Eventide