God Playing Hide & Seek

My honest sincere wish as a Light Elf is to allow all those in the world today who are struggling, hurting, and FORGETTING everything they know deep down inside when they are listening. You are unlimited, but the illusion is the limitation you put on yourself through your Ego.


Here are my pearls of wisdom about Lightworkers and what they really are, I give them to you now.


Rumi’s Wisdom Of Inner Light

Here are a few quotes to reflect deeply on. Remember them during your darkest hours and you will always be able to turn on the light. You are the darkness and the light, but the light is the awakened part of  YOU.






No mirror ever became iron again;
No bread ever became wheat;
No ripened grape ever became sour fruit.
Mature yourself and be secure from a change for the worse.
Become the light.


Some nights stay up till dawn, as the moon sometimes does for the sun. Be a full bucket pulled up the dark way of a well, then lifted out into light.


Your defects are the ways that glory gets manifested… That’s where the Light enters you.

There is another language beyond language, 
another place beyond heaven and hell. 
Precious gems come from another mine,
the heart draws light from another source.


Pale sunlight, pale the wall. Love moves away. The light changes I need more grace than I thought.


There is a light seed grain inside. You fill it with yourself, or it dies.



Love is the soul’s light, the taste of morning, no me, no we, no claim of being.


The lamps are different, but the Light is the same. One matter, one energy, one Light, oneLight-mind, endlessly emanating all things.



Your depression is connected to your insolence and refusal to praise. Whoever feels himself walking on the path, and refuses to praise—that man or woman steals from others every day—is a shoplifter! The sun became full of light when it got hold of itself. Angels only began shining when they achieved discipline. The sun goes out whenever the cloud of not-praising comes. The moment the foolish angel felt insolent, he heard the door close.

In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.
A hundred souls cried out, but
we ar
e yours, we are yours, we are yours.
You are the light
that spoke to Moses and said
I am God, I am God, I am God.
I said Shams-e Tabrizi, who are you?
He said, I am you, I am you, I am you.

God To The Elves of Tolkien

White Light. Loving Void. Collective Consciousness. Creator Source of Vibrations. Higher Truth. The Divine. Oneness. Nature. Highest Soul. Giver of Light.

These are the words that may describe the way the Elves may see God. They would never see a limited deity or “god”, but rather an invisible energy inside all of us. Many humans are awakening to this fact and finding “clues” in the Holy Books that describe this type of All Knowing, All Powerful source of all creation. Some personalize God when they read the books to match their level of understanding of the world.

In Tolkien’s world, according to the revised notes of the Silmarillion book, Eru Illuvatar was the Prime Consciousness that sat in darkness till thought forms started to appear to bring to surface the themes of Life into reality. The Ainurs were the Light beings, “Angels”, not physical, but simply energy thought forms that started to create the themes of the universe that Eru wished to see such as: Victory, Love, Harmony, Friendship, Honor, Bravery, Beauty, and other ideals. With allowing the thought-form Ainur, Melkor, to become free to create at will, Melkor wanted to do something different than the others. While the others created harmonious notes and chords that tied beautifully together and ushered in the harmonious and beautiful things in the world, Melkor wanted to create Discord and dramatic, dissonant sounds that appealed to him simply because it was different. And perhaps pleasing to his ear…

just like in the Torah, Bible, and Quran, Eru (God) allowed Melkor to exist ONLY to one day show a triumph over the darkness by the Light and show in the end ALL things serve Eru-even the darkness and discord in the world.

You must know the evil, to know the Good.

So Melkor continued to create ugly harsh sounds that created an even ugly and darker reality of giant man eating spiders, orc beings, and darker things on Middle Earth not mentioned in the movies, but only in the books.

The Ainurs split off into Valars who reigned certain aspects of Creation, and continued to battle Melkor’s darkness-using their creatures they helped manifest as servants of the Divine to battle the darkness of Melkor. Like the wizards and elves. Dwarves came next through some tragedy of Creation. Later on came the hobbits and men.

The Elves in Ancient time and in modern days, will have an inner sense of this mission or duty to uphold this allegiance to the Light. Of course there are those who play the part of the Dark Elves, but my blog won’t go too much down that path.

This blog is for those seeking the Light only. I can not provide information on how to worship the dark, seek external power, or manipulate others. You will have to go to someone else for that.

I am a Light Elf, one who only services others and helps transform darkness whenever and however I can. I am not alone in the world. Many elves and other starry souls are awakening to this mission as well.

You may be one of them…if this resonates with you and harmonizes with your soul.

In Light, Love & Wisdom,

Kimber’el Eventide