Thoughts On Transgenderism As An Elf

My husband said the most beautiful and perceptive thing today about the rise in transgender reassignment surgeries. I thought I would share with others who are a bit fearful about the future and how things are being altered that at one point seemed natural to us. I agreed with him.

He said that humans like to experiment and see how far they can go with technology and advancement in science. They have always been this way from the start of human civilization. They just want to see how far they can go and what they can accomplish.

The questions get complicated about morality, and should be left for the soul to decide when it is crossing the line into just egoism and when it is not. One thing we can be excited about is a progression of science and the possibility that was always a part of the Divine Plan as a species.

But as an Elf, one thing I know for sure is that we also must never forget our roots.

Why Are Elves Like Angels?

I recently saw a video on youtube making fun of the “perfection” of Elves, done by a cynic about Tolkien and other fantasy writers.

Of course, Elves are not perfect, and many don’t see themselves in this light anyways. They simply live their lives and do their thing. The reason why Elves are written to be at higher level consciousness than humans in stories is because they are one with Nature.

Being the closest to nature in soul, makes them almost perfect because Nature is perfect. In all its flaws and edges, nature is divine order and perfection. Every flower, every plant, every animal has it’s own special way of being designed to survive and thrive on this planet. The symmetrical shape of a flower is that way to reach the sunlight evenly and distribute throughout the face of the flower into the stem to be converted into energy by a process you may remember called, photosynthesis.

Elves are only seen in the light of perfection or elevated living because they are as wise as old trees, and as a joyful as the dancing dandelion seeds amongst the wind. Anything elemental you will find represents a higher version of human potential.

Angels are the air element and represent a dimension of perfection above humans. It is the same with Elves who represent the perfection on earth being one with Nature. But BOTH Elves and Angels represent something dormant inside all human souls ready to blossom from within.

Mermaids even represent a deeper aspect of the Divine to humans and is why so many resonate with them, especially highly intuitive women and men.

When humans start to love nature more and take care of it, they will become more one with Nature, like the Elves. When humans start to become more moral and loving towards one another, they  will be seen as Angelic as the Angels. These archetypes exist to bring humans into a higher state of existence.

Many human souls are ready, and like me, are walking the Elven path on Earth and possibly the Angelic one at the same time to later come back as Light guides for other souls.

It is very rare you see Dark Elves. Those who are One with Nature but use it to manipulate humans and such, but they do exist. Light Elves are just like Angels in the sense they in no way wish to manipulate humans, only to help elevate them or ignore them if they see they are not ready for the lessons.

Being One with Nature does indeed elevate a human to the place of the primordial man, the state of being before Adam and Eve were said to fall from Grace. It is all very symbolic, but the Garden of Eden is full of Nature for a reason.



The Pleiadian And Elven Agenda

As the veil is thinning, the connection between the Elves and Pleiadians are so strong for me and many others. 
The Elves and the Pleiadians have similar agendas for humanity with their messages and teachings. They do not wish to take over the world or even to create versions of themselves. They simply are hoping to better humanity by passing on some of their oldest secrets and wisdoms to them to ensure a beautiful future. 
Like all caring, wise, loving beings…they are aware of another species in need and they vowed to always be of service when they can. This is one of the greatest expressions and experiences of Love, and they know this deep down inside. 
They rise as they help others rise. 
The Pleiadian Agenda~
These higher dimensional beings that are varied in species depending on the channellings  come from the Seven Sister star system of the Pleiades. This is a much older and larger solar system than our own, with 7 suns, or more from what we can see right now. The level of absolute tranquility that these beautiful humanoid beings live in and want to teach to humans is the evidence of their pure intentions. There are no wars, violence, or suffering on their planets. They do have death, but it is not something to fear, but instead is seen as a journey. Their life spans are far longer than humans because they have the advanced technology to heal the body quickly from ills and disease. Rarely do they get sick because their beautiful earth-like planet in another galaxy is not polluted. They fly their “cars” in the air, and they use sound and zero gravity as means to transport themselves. Their system of government is a council type with a head of eldars who give guidance and council to those who lost their way. If a Pleiadian commits a crime, they are exiled to go learn and come back when ready to fit in with the harmony of the community, but this is such a rarity.They don’t have religion, but are fully connected to working for the Divine and act as Angels to others they can help in need. They have fun, laugh, play, have reproduction of their species, but they simply live in peace and empathy of one another. They are reaching out to humanity as higher versions of an alternative reality that allows for expansion of consciousness and coexistence with Nature. 
The Elves of Tolkien~
As we know from the stories, these beings also live in harmony with nature and one another. There is no government, but rather than a “White Council” and this leads to the Elves living by the honor code. As we see in the books and movies, there is no need to govern or rule over an Elf. They each are ancient and wise enough to govern themselves in class, honor and grace. They believe in healing abilities that they have and they use them to help others. It seems they keep to themselves, but are willing to help others if the need arises called into allegiance to fight darkness that threatens to kill innocent lives. I remember reading these books as a little girl and watching the movies, with stars in my eyes, wishing I could live in a society like this.
I believe that humanity has this as a possible future, and instead of being told our world is set for doom as the elite and the reptilians would love to make you believe as they hide together in their underground caverns. There is HOPE coming in from the Pleiadians to know that it is possible. Humans too can evolve to this point and it could be a beautiful harmonious future for this species if we truly put our minds and hearts to it.
There is an agenda from the Pleiadians and it has to do with bringing more females in power. While I love my male friends and my husband, it is TIME for the feminine power of the Divine to arise to help soothe, nurture, heal and bring forth compassion and “mothering” to the earth and it’s people. Men can be involved with this too as support systems to their fellow female friends. Even some men may start to take on this caring role themselves. With the world being stuck in AGES of male dominance, this is why the Seven Sisters are infusing the feminine Elven energy right now into the world.
This does not take away power from the male messengers, prophets, or Jesus as a divine archetype of the past. This is only an “add” onto the Divine power we are connected to and are being united with in spirit on an evolutionary scale. It is time for the female messengers, prophets, and seers. It is time for empathic female leaders of countries, such as Galadriel in Middle Earth. These positions can be intertwined with the male counterparts to produce balance in the world that has never been seen before.
“If we are going to see real development in the world then our best investment is WOMEN!” ~ Desmond Tutu