Future Visions For The Non-Profit Elven Spiritual Path Organization

It is a new year for the Tie eldalieva – The Elven Spiritual Path! Which means in english “The Elven Way”. We have very big updates, and the wheels in our minds are turning for those of you who have joined us by donating. I will give you a full update, and you may also watch my video below to see a preview of my book I designed to generate proceeds for the organization.

There are currently four co-founders under the Elven names of:

  1. Calatirniel 
  2. Alyras de Cygne
  3. Nathan Elwin
  4. Kimberel Eventide (me) 

So far, we have an EIN number from the IRS and Dec. 7th was the official mail in date of all our paperwork needed to become an organization. We are waiting to hear back from them now before we set up a Trust for the non-profit.

We are a non-profit, because we want to be able to give back to the world while also further recognizing and expressing ourselves as Elven souls with others.

Here is the wiki definition because it is perfectly describing what we are about.

The non profit is an organization dedicated to furthering a particular social cause or advocating for a shared point of view. In economic terms, it is an organization using its surplus of the revenues to further achieve its ultimate objective, rather than distributing its income to the organization’s shareholders, leaders, or members. Nonprofits are tax-exempt or charitable, meaning they do not pay income tax on the money that they receive for their organization. They can operate in religious, scientific, research, or educational settings.

The key aspects of nonprofits are accountability, trustworthiness, honesty, and openness to every person who has invested time, money, and faith into the organization. Nonprofit organizations are accountable to the donors, founders, volunteers, program recipients, and the public community. Public confidence is a factor in the amount of money that a nonprofit organization is able to raise. The more nonprofits focus on their mission, the more public confidence they will have, and as a result, more money for the organization.[1] The activities a nonprofit is partaking in can help build the public’s confidence in nonprofits, as well as how ethical the standards and practices are.

We absolutely do want to spread the shared viewpoint of the wise Elves of Tolkien across the world. We do want to give back to the community and those in need by being an example of kindness. I will be very transparent with where money is going as the Media PR Person and Elven Spiritual Teacher/Priestess of how we will be using it.

So far the $600 raised was used to file with the IRS. Whatever remains from that goes into a fund of the Elven Spiritual Path’s treasurer in order to hold for safe keeping for later. Our next step is to buy land for building our first Elven Sanctuary as the establishment.

Once we become a fully established online organization as well as offline, then we can start to organize our profits after the build, and how we want to donate to others.

The following are ideas we have spoken about and just a glimpse into what our organization will be about and what our members can feel part of.

Visions about our organization:

  • volunteer time and effort to help those in need of beautifying neighborhoods and cleaning up homes- bringing beauty wherever we can
  • volunteer time at animal shelters to care for animals
  • working on growing community gardens for the homeless to eat
  • reading Tolkien and Fairytale stories to elderly in homes and children in hospitals
  • Elven singing and performances to uplift spirits of those in need
  • free spiritual workshops given to those of lower economic status
  • yearly meetings at the Elven Sanctuary to gather together in friendship and joy
  • workshops and group Elven rituals to energize the spirit of members
  • Sunday weekly meditations around the globe to bring in peaceful energies
  • Astrology and Psychic services and workshops
  • Environmental and Herbalism education

Ways we will be raising money:

  • small membership fee monthly to help pay dues
  • Elven Spirituality books we sell
  • jewelry, clothing or other accessories with our organization symbol
  • YouTube videos
  • Sponsors and generous donations from Tolkien lovers or friends of the Elves


The best part of this vision, is the idea that after the first Elven Spiritual Sanctuary is built, we will be able to lend ourselves to other Elven souls around the world to build their own under our organization’s name as one large entity of Elves growing around the world. I envision us becoming the “new” Free Masons- Builders and Keepers of a kinder and more beautiful world with our Tolkien Elven wisdom spreading.

Our website will be launching for people to join us officially and become truly a member with a downloadable membership book to give you all the inside details of our organization including bios on all the cofounders.


I am ready. There is lots of work to be done, but it is fun work because it is about constructing new earth communities and spiritual pathways. I hope many of you will join us!

Read more and donate to us:

Help Start The Elven Spiritual Path Organization



“The biggest adventure is what lies ahead.” – J. R. R. Tolkien