Moonlight Elven Musings

How I love the sunshine upon my face and the way the day seems to glitter and shine all around nature. The sun is forever loved by so many others.

But nothing brings forwards more deeper thoughts than the moon to me. My moon is in Virgo, and it seems that this makes sense in how the moon seems to bring order, clarity and understanding to me of my dreams. It isn’t just the moon itself as a physical object, but it is the symbol of the moon that calls to me most.

The moon aides in my creativity and my expression of the subtle light that is ever growing deep inside. I seem to think better at night. Music comes naturally at night to me, while all others are asleep. I work best at night in the quiet of the house while all non-nocturnal creatures are curled up in their beds.

My intuition runs deeply at this time as well. While my body should be winding down and recharging for the next day, I find those energies inside helpful to create and think deeply about Life. The soft glow of the moon helps renew perspectives and lets me go over the day and my experience in order to grow a little more, reach a higher conclusion about the day’s events.

Though I reach for inner balance of both the sun’s yang and the moon’s yin energy. I definitely am a Moon Elf.

Moon Elf or Night Elf 


Moon Elf or Night Elf Soul Type~

This is a sub group that can fit in any of the other Soul Types, but it’s worth mentioning. It’s a part of personality identifier of an Elf.

These Elves sometimes get looked at as “evil” or “dark”, by those who are afraid of the night. But the Moon Elf or Night Elf is one of much light and goodness inside.

Usually females, though males can absolutely be a Night Elf.

You may be a Night Elf Soul if:

*You are a night owl and stay up late
*Feel close to the moon and dark starry night
*You may love to be more alone than with people as an introvert, but not always the case
*Are not afraid of the dark
*Like to look into the darker side of things out of curiosity and learning what others are doing. You may look into the dark occult, The psychology of people who do darker deeds may fascinate you and you try to understand.
*You may love mystery, horror, psychological thrillers, just for fun and you can handle it
*you may feel a compassion for monsters like ware wolves, vampires and such. You represent open-mindedness in a lot of ways
*You are the person who can usually accept anyone no matter how weird, scary, strange they seem always finding the light within-and if not you deal with that too
*May have had experiences with spirits, aliens, and things others can’t see
*intuition, precognition, clairvoyant, abilities, reading energy are usually what you may have as a gift
*Can hold any spiritual path, but usually mystical or esoteric
*Common Spirit Animals are at least one nocturnal one, like wild cats, bats, owls, fireflies, but you can also enjoy day time animals as companions
*personality can vary, but most tend to be more reserved and less outgoing than their Sun Elf friends.
*Drawn to crystals like moonstone (especially), but also enjoy using Amethyst, Lapis, Labradorite, Celestite, Selenite…these are all great crystals for you
*Lothlorien is your dream home
*You may have been called goth, and emo before
*tend to like to dress in darker cool colored clothes, or that shine and have a silver or grey shimmer quality to it. You may really love shimmer and iridescent types of colors too giving off the pale light of the moon
*You may just love to be outside at night and go for walks or sit and reflect in the quiet of the night

I have learned over the years to embrace this Night Elf inside of me. It does not mean I like dark things..I simply am more open minded to explore them than most. I have friended lots of people who some may consider “Darker” in the past, but I see the light through them and we are great friends.

There is a big difference between being someone who “looks” a bit dark on the outside, to actually being a dark soul on the inside.

You still follow the Elven Light Path that is paved the way with glow in the dark mushrooms, fireflies and a starlight sky.

You as a Moon Elf can bring in the Feminine Divine quality that has the power to nurture and cultivate people’s inner Light. You allow people to see it once again in themselves by supporting them in non judgmental ways.

The gift of the Moon is there in you to be a supportive, nurturing, shining Light to others who need a Light in a dark place in the world.

I hope this brings more clarity to why you may love the Moon so much 🌙

Love, Light & Wisdom ~
Kimber’el Eventide