Tolkien Quote#2 – On Knowledge

“The wise speak only of what they know.”

~ J.R.R Tolkien

The above quote is one that may be a good reminder to us all and to me to stay on this path. Especially in this climate of society where the internet gives us the ability to share freely our thoughts everywhere. I completely understand where Tolkien was coming from here. I am a bit of a perfectionist for myself and a very tough self critic, so I would never speak about something I did not fully research, or understand as much as I can or experience for myself.

I do believe it comes from having a slight fear about being wrong, so if I don’t really know something I will not talk about it with confidence, I will simply admit that I don’t know and keep quiet about that particular subject until I do. I feel I can only offer others true wisdom from my experiences.

I do see that there are many in society that take “wild” leaps of faith, assumptions and guesses about topics without having much knowledge on things. Although I cringe a bit inside when I see that wild abandon for true knowledge in people, I always can appreciate that bravery to speak up about something they don’t fully know about. They are not afraid of looking “wrong” or “inaccurate”. It is about expressing themselves regardless if they are right or not. There is a bit of a danger with that though, I do see.

Right now the biggest example in society is on the new movie Cuties. I watched it fully so that I could be in the “know” and really see for myself what is causing all the controversy. Yet, I do see people who have never seen it (they openly admit they have not seen it yet) and start to take wild guesses about it and ideas about it or the director that are simply not true and you learn it only when you fully see it. It is not a matter of believing it to be right or wrong, it is a matter of actually knowing what you can speak about and make a fair judgement about. It happens all the time on social media, and I sit there in wonder how they can talk about something they have no knowledge about?

So I guess I am like Tolkien a bit where I do attribute wisdom with experience and with experience it often gives us personal permission or allowance to share our knowledge on things. I feel it’s a bit unnecessary to give opinion or talk about something I know nothing about first hand, like wasted energy. To me that is how rumors are spread. a lie built around ignorance, and can be an agenda to skew the truth as an intention. Some people may not mean it when they speak about someone politically in this world, yet don’t really fully research about that person. Celebs, presidents and organizations are falsely accused of things they did not intend or do, all the time this way.

There is a part of me that does think if people did live by this quote then there will be less wrongful judgements, false assumptions, inaccurate claims going around in the world about one another. Maybe this is the answer to peace and to my staying peaceful? I just don’t speak about someone or voice my opinion unless I am confident that I know something with lots of research and can bring in my personal experience to help the situation and not make the confusion worse for others.

I think when we speak about something we don’t know anything about, it is not adding any truth to the situation and that is a bit of a distraction and a confusion. However, I fully believe there is nothing wrong in admitting that you don’t know something and being honest about it. I think that is more of a sign of courage when I see people do that online and help each other understand the process of getting to the truth takes work and not leaping to assumptions inside.

We are all in the process of learning, relearning and growing on this journey and we should never feel ashamed for what we don’t know or understand. We should look at it as an opportunity to grow and a space within our minds where we can expand our consciousness and broaden our horizons. When I realized this, I now don’t feel badly about not knowing everything, because I know we are all in the process of gaining information at different times in our lives.

What you focus on in your life, you study it. So learning is really just about shifting your focus to what you want to fill your mind with and build experience upon and after you do you will have your wisdom to share with others to help them on their own journey.

The Importance and Beauty Of Baby Yoda In The World

For all the hate Disney gets, this little creation of Baby Yoda only known as the “The Child” in the Disney Plus Mandalorian Netflex series has the internet exploding with adorableness.

What is it that makes him so screamingly adorable to people? Kittens, puppies and babies are adorable too, but why are people losing their minds over this little “elf-like” green skinned baby?

I have some theories and thoughts on this and this meme inspired me to think further:

elf baby.jpg


It is not only his looks, though Disney really found a perfect formula for alien plus cute, but this baby IS wise beyond his years! He is 50 years old as a baby, meaning he is patiently viewing the world through a 50 year old’s eyes as a child in a buggy. It is in this quiet peaceful passiveness that makes him such a lovely character to so many I sense. Could it be it is a sign of humanity evolving and recognizing the need for more inner peace?

I see it as a very positive thing here and I too am a little smitten with this little guy. He made my husband and I laugh and “aww” together in a way we have not for awhile. He drew us a connection between seeing the sweetness of him silently gliding along the Mandalorian and patiently waiting for him to do things.

As a wise child, he is not helpless either, it is a new form of “cuteness” which shows a power that he wields, but only lets out in real need. He is powerful and can use the force as a baby. He is loving and wise already trying to heal the Mandalorian from his cuts, but he is not pushing it either. He allows the Madalorian to put him back in his space buggy, and doesn’t try again to heal him.

Yoda always seemed like a little alien elf to me, especially as he gets older you see this connection to nature that he has and how he sees the “Force” of the universe within all living things including nature around him. Jedi Knights later trained by him to use the Force and the Elves of Tolkien hold many values in common to be considered “Elven”. And the Elves of Tolkien were known as the wisest of Arda/Earth.

So what the world finds “cute” is evolving too, into seeing: patience, inner peace, innocence, connection to spirit and power without domination over others as adorable.

The more Baby Yoda is promoted through friendship. laughter, and joy the more harmony is created through his little green image. He even has managed to unite the old star wars fans with the new ones of Disney. I was excited to find a group of 40K members on facebook just for baby Yoda posts and shares. It is a fun place you can join here:Baby Yoda Posting

In many ways, Disney is using this Force of love to bring many people together.  They may know what they created or they may not know, but the effects are coming out- people are in love with Baby Yoda. That means ignorance is moving out of fashion and wisdom is coming in.

I am rejoicing with the world and enjoying all the Baby Yoda memes and episodes.

May Baby Yoda continue to guide us towards the Force of love, light and wisdom.

~ Kimberel Eventide


Enjoy the meme I created.



The Dangerous Power Of Wisdom

Did you know Wisdom can give you the power to hurt others? It can. It can be a power of Light or of Darkness. I realized this today actually. It is a bit dangerous for others to play with you when you have it and for you to play with it like it is a weapon to wield.

Sometimes I get comments on my channel that seem to come out of complete left field. They do not make any sense or they don’t pertain to the video at all. I got a quite “unwise” comment about the 144,000 based on misunderstanding, judgement, and assumption from someone rather than education or knowledge base of what it means.

My response was calculated, for I saw how unwise this person really was about this subject in general. Her powers of observations while watching the video were a bit dim to me. Meaning she didn’t fully understand or grasp the concept, and instead assumed something about me without watching  any of the other of my videos or getting what I said in the first place.

I was a bit exasperated to say the least. She missed all marks.

I thought to myself, I could hurt this person. I actually could make this person feel very badly about herself and acknowledge their lack of intelligence in this subject. I had a flash of awareness in what this would do to this person if I called her out publicly for her lack of observation and comprehension skills.  If you have ever been called or called someone “stupid”, you will understand how hurtful this can be. Humans pride themselves on their thinking ability and to say someone does not use it well can be the worst of insults.

But I thought better about it. You see, to be truly wise, is to know when you are stepping off the path of Light into the path of darkness and ego. To make her feel stupid, would be only to make myself feel better or superior to her, inside. I know this is how many people act and in fact, I am wise enough to see this was why she left a comment in the first place with accusation about me, rather than questions.

It can be dangerous once you figure out you hold the Wise One Soul type blueprint.  People really should walk lightly around you and not fling insults, or assumptions because of this power. The power of Knowledge can be a fiery thing and can cause emotional damage. You must always remember your study of subjects, academia, knowledge base, research, or keen observations do not make you superior. Big hearts can be used in this measurement, but STILL does not claim superiority to others. You are not wise so you can fling it around for others to see.

You are this way to teach and guide others into their own wisdom. This is what clicked into my mind after several moments of figuring out a response.

I chose to help her instead with a comment back. I lead her to a “fountain” of knowledge to take a look and actually see what I meant, and where to study more about the subject so she can gain  better understanding. I decided to be kind, even though she was not towards me.

Elves tend to be wise, rather than not. If an Elf is not wise, then they are simply dressing like an Elf with nothing Elvish inside. That is called Cosplay for photos. To become truly an Elf is to hold wisdom and kindness in balance.

To be wise is to choose to be kind in times when it is easiest to hurt others. Being wise is accepting you don’t know it all, but the things you do know you can help others learn. Being wise is knowing and recognizing within yourself when the wisdom comes from ego or from tapping into the Collective.

Once you have wisdom inside of you, you have a dangerous gift. With it, you can crush  hearts-nobody likes to admit their ignorance or lower intelligences in areas. But with it, you can wield it to create greater change in the world, by offering a higher road for others to take together.

Be careful with your wisdom, you carry Elvenkin.


Elves And Anger

I am going to be honest as a public figure, and hopefully it can help others be inspired to be honest with themselves.

I have deep Anger issues. They are not attached to my past in any way. I have made peace with my mother’s death early on as well as my father and my relationship. I love everyone in my life and have no enemy. But, I am very much like Galadriel in which I have a terrible side to me that causes me to feel rage and anger from the very depths of my soul. I attribute that to being a starry Elf who has extremely high expectations for herself as well as others.

I know how to calm myself down now and it involves taking breaks from society and especially getting off social media. I go out into Nature, I play with my small dog and I get back into creating things that make me find the Good once again in life. I also dig deep into books on spiritual matters or are fantasy escapes. 

The things that make me angry is a long list. I am not like a light hearted fairy. I am an old ancient wise soul type, who is growing impatient with the world and has to readjust my own learning every now and then about what is going on.

Things I know naturally should come to others as well, but they do not. Many souls have forgotten how to treat one another, and also not to harm or kill another. It is disheartening to say the least. I believe in humanity very much so, but sometimes I see a Trump video of him saying something unintelligent, or I see a group of people doing things unwise to another, and I just need to walk away from humans for a bit.

I hide away so that others do not experience my wrath and my moods. I am in one of those right now, triggered by an insensitive society about environments and climate change that is causing the major hurricanes we have right now.

Everyone just sits there at times and it drives me a bit crazy.

I am also a bit upset with so much of the false light and fake new age teachings I see that are not congruent with being beneficial to all. People really like to hold onto what makes them feel special instead of just the Pure Truth that everyone is special, at times. It is hard to see that as someone who is never afraid to face the Truth, since I see it as a beautiful beacon of Hope for humanity.

I am not a passive person. I act out my desires and dreams to help humanity. So it is very frustrating to see so many just sit there and allow so much evil in the world to go on around them. Elves are warriors by nature, and if they knew others were in peril they would ready their bows…

I am that type of Elf. This is not about dressing up and taking cosplay photos. I am serious about going deeper into my Elven nature as the army of Light gathers to fight against the darkness.

Though it moves much more slowly than I would have hoped by now in 2017, so I will just take these breaks and gather my breath before I lose my own cool and inner balance.

I will see you all soon, Mellon nin, when the storm inside me dies down.