Tolkien Quote #4 – It’s No Bad Thing To Celebrate A Simple Life

This is such a meaningful quote for me and I wanted to share my thoughts about it. I made a short video for YouTube, you may watch for a few short clips from my simple life.

I was so happy to see this quote of Tolkien’s appear in the uncut version of the Fellowship of the Lord of the Rings movies. In a longer scene of the Shire, Bilbo is describing the Hobbits and how happy they are living a simple life. It is a great reminder to us “bigger” people to remember to slow down and appreciate the simple things in life. Simple things to me are those that celebrate our natural states when we are at rest and not in motion. We are in this world always moving with the world, but if we stop and stand still we may find a certain happiness that can not be bought.

It is serenity and peace of the mind that is not found on a quest, or a search, it is simply a choice of not moving and being ok with standing still and enjoying the scenery. To me it is the Objective eye of the Universal Consciousness that can appreciate the simple things and make most of the moments in life without any real goals except for happiness.

You may find when you really ponder life and the nature of consciousness, all we are/have is a collection of moments. So when you create a collection of moments that are full of less stress and drama then it can be best for you.

I find these following things really help me in life live a more peaceful life:

  1. Weed out the toxins and drama in your life. If somebody is not making you happy, then kindly let them know you need your space and peace. Those who really love you and respect will understand as they figure out how to stand still and appreciate a more simple life. If something is not bringing you happiness any longer, then let it go and try to do less for awhile and be content with that.
  2. Think about enjoying things that are free in life, or close to it. It could be going on a nice long walk every day in nature, playing with your pets, reading a good book borrowed or found inexpensively. It could be writing or creating art. Sometimes the simplest things don’t require money, or very little at all.
  3. If your goal is to make a lot of money, be famous or successful in society’s eyes as well as your own, try to remember that these are things you can not take with you when gone from earth. So keep the journey in mind of being peaceful and fun in this way, rather than just keeping an eye on the destination. You are already a success to those who love you, you just need to see it yourself. There is nothing wrong sometimes with not having a goal in mind and simply just living day by day and seeing what adventure it takes you to next.
  4. Use nature as your teacher to show you the way towards inner peace and resting states of being. The plants, trees and even animals can show you by example how to simply BE in life.

May you enjoy my little video I made about this.

In love, light and wisdom,

Kimberel Eventide